Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison
Nowhere To Go
with Colin
Mon 21 - Mon 28 July 2025 - TBCThis is a journey over seven days – taking the time to enquire deeply into the source of who we are. In all of this Movement of Being work we are standing on a ground of spiritual realisation. What I mean by this is the realisation that we exist prior to any experience, prior to any thought or feeling. To truly recognise this changes everything. It’s such a liberation and support – already here; already enough; already connected.
From this ground, all experience is obviously just that – experience! Ever-changing; continuous; never-ending experience. And we are here for it. Each moment in this continuous streaming is available to be lived and loved.
From this realisation anything can happen; but nothing needs to happen. The search can finally come to an end.
From this profound understanding a real confidence in being can spring. It’s the difference between viewing myself as a ‘damaged’ person, and knowing myself as a conscious presence relating with a sense (from the past) of having been damaged. It’s so important to take time for this enquiry – to come again and again to meet nothing, no - thing; to turn away from the busy-ness and the endless distractions; to bow your head and face directly into the mystery of who and what you are.
Fully Residential at the beautiful Bala Brook retreat center, on the edge of Dartmoor
21 - 28 July 2025, (starts 4pm on first day; finishes 1pm on final day) TBC
Fixed Payment : £510 - £580 depending on room - TBC
(There is a bursary place available.)
Suggested Donation £480 (or something between £225 and £ 750) - TBC
For any enquiries, or if you are unsure whether these events are open to you,